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Western Region

The Western Region of Kenya, bordering Uganda, consists of four counties Vihiga, Busia, Bungoma and Kakamega. It is predominantly inhabited by the Abaluyha, with the Iteso in Busia and Bungoma and the Sabaot in Bungoma. It is home to Kenya’s second highest Mountain, Mt. Elgon (Bungoma County) and Kakamega Rain Forest (Kakamega County).

It has diverse physical features, from the hills of northern Bungoma County to the plains bordering Lake Victoria in Busia County. The highest point in the Western Region of Kenya is the peak of Mount Elgon, while the lowest point is Busia on the water at Lake Victoria.

The climate is mainly tropical, with variations due to altitude. Kakamega County is mainly hot and wet most of the year, while Bungoma County is colder but just as wet. Busia County is the warmest, while the hilly Vihiga County is the coldest. The entire region experiences very heavy rainfall all year round, with the long rains in the earlier months of the year.

Member Churches present in the region do include:-

  1. Africa Brotherhood Church
  2. African Christian Church and Schools
  3. African Church of the Holy Spirit
  4. African Interior Church
  5. African Nineveh Church
  6. Anglican Church of Kenya
  7. Church of Africa Sinai Mission
  8. Church of God in East Africa (Kenya) – Kima Mission
  9. Coptic Orthodox Church
  10. Episcopal Church of Africa
  11. Free Pentecostal Fellowship in Kenya
  12. Friends Church in Kenya
  13. Full Gospel Churches of Kenya
  14. Kenya Assemblies of God
  15. Lyahuka Church of East Africa
  16. Maranatha Faith Assemblies
  17. Methodist Church in Kenya
  18. Overcoming Faith Center Church of Kenya
  19. Pentecostal Evangelistic Fellowship of Africa
  20. Presbyterian Church of East Africa
  21. Reformed Church of East Africa
  22. Salvation Army
  23. Zion Harvest Mission

The offices are located at George Fox Center, 2nd Floor, Friends Church in Kenya (FCK) Kakamega Village Meeting Compound, Amalemba, Kakamega Town.

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Contact: 0728-953878

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