Upper Eastern Region

The NCCK Upper Eastern Region was established in 1996. It covers four counties namely; Meru, Tharaka Nithi, Isiolo and Marsabit.
According to the 2019 Census the three counties have a total population of approximately 2.7 Million people. The topography of the three Counties is significantly varied. In Isiolo and Marsabit Counties, the land is relatively flat. In Meru, however, mountain ranges dominate the landscape.
To the west, the Region boarders Laikipia, Samburu and Turkana districts of Central, South and North Rift regions respectively. On the Eastern side, the Region borders Wajir and Garissa of Nairobi Region.
The Northern part of the region is totally arid and semi-arid where the main economic activity is pastoralism. The southern part however, lies on the windward side of Mt. Kenya, rainfall is consistent, and cash and food crop farming is the main economic activity.
Due to the Region’s proximity to the war torn countries of Ethiopia and Somalia, small arms and sophisticated light weapons have found their way into the region. This together with frequent cattle rustling and tribal clashes has made the northern part of the region relatively unsafe.
The Regional Offices are located in Meru Town and housed by MCK Kaaga Synod headquarters next to St. Paul’s Interdenominational Church P.O. Box 2419 – 60200, Meru. Cellphone Number: +254 0728 962 768; Email: uppereastern@ncck.org.
The maps of the four Counties are as depicted below;