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CP – Priority Needs


The Corporate Plan development process reviewed emerging issues in the regions, and thereby identified the priority needs as were perceived by the delegates who participated in county and regional consultative sessions. Consultations were also held at the national level with staff and representatives from the governance organs. The data gathered was then taken through systematic analysis to identify the priority issues for the Council during the 2019 – 2023 period.


4.1    Regional Priority Needs

Central Region

Central Church


Central Community

Coast Region

Coast Church


Coast Community


Lower Eastern

Lower Eastern Church


Lower Eastern Community


Nairobi Region

Nairobi Church


Nairobi Community


North Rift Region

North Rift Church


North Rift Community

Nyanza Region

Nyanza Church


Nyanza Community


South Rift Region

South Rift Church


South Rift Community


Upper Eastern Region

Upper Eastern Church


Upper Eastern Community


Western Region

Western Church


Western Community


What emerges from these regional level priority needs, both for the community and the church, is that poverty is the most felt need in the country (reflected by the percentages for Economic Empowerment).

The other needs vary from region to region, depending on the prevailing conditions. Over the next five years, the Council will endeavour to address these needs so as to transform the lives of the membership and the wider community.


4.2      National Level Priority Needs

 National Church

 National Community


4.3      Priority Needs Definitions

The community and church needs identified by the participants in the County, Regional and National Corporate Plan development forums were analyzed and clustered into the 8 broad areas highlighted in the visualizations above. These are:

a)Economic Empowerment

This encapsulates the needs expressed that included eradication of poverty, creation of employment opportunities, adoption of better agricultural practices, and enabling communities to have sustainable financial bases. At the church level, the needs under this cluster included funding for church activities, properties and remuneration of ministers.

b) Security, Peace and Cohesion

Across the board, solving ethnicity issues and divisions was a prominent need. Other needs related to security, peace and cohesion included reduction of Christian / Muslim conflicts, reduction of small arms and light weapons in civilian hands, and addressing of land ownership issues, especially the issuance of title deeds.

c) Family Life Issues

The needs expressed in this cluster touched on provision of assistance to needy individuals including persons with disabilities, orphans, widows and families. Respondents also highlighted the need for reduction of divorce rates, eradication of child trafficking, rehabilitation of sex workers, and eradication of female genital mutilation.

d) Education

This cluster includes needs touching on bursaries and scholarships, free education for all, and availability of vocational training institutions. It also covers needs expressed touching on guidance and counselling, trainings on key social topics such as gender based violence and family life enrichment.

e) Health

Under this cluster, the community and church needs that emerged included sensitization on drug and substance abuse and accessibility of rehabilitation centers, availability and affordability of health facilities, community awareness on hygiene, and interventions on HIV and AIDS.

f) Leadership Development and Governance

At both community and church levels, there were identified needs touching on accountability and ethical leadership, and the need for advocacy for leadership at all levels to work for the betterment of the communities. The need for church leaders to be involved in national decision making processes was highlighted, as was the need to fight against injustices including corruption.

g) Discipleship

The needs touching on spiritual awakening and empowerment included promotion of evangelism, prayers for the nation and leaders, and implementation of discipleship programmes. The need for inter denominational activities such as gospel crusades and prayers was noted.

h) Environmental Conservation

At both community and church levels, it was appreciated that there is a need for environmental conservation engagements including tree planting and adoption of drought resistant crops.




February 2025

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