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CP – Plan Implementation


The successful implementation of this Corporate Plan is a determiner of the level to which the Council will achieve her goals over the period. Towards this, the following measures and strategies will be adopted and structured.

7.1 Work Planning and Reporting

The 7th Corporate Plan document will be the basis for specific program and operational work plans. These will include:

  • Annual and quarterly work plans
  • Quarterly management monitoring reports
  • Half year and annual reports

7.2Quality Performance Based on Corporate Mandate, Goals, Objectives and Outcomes

Each department / unit will be guided under its mandate, goals, objectives and outcomes, which will in turn be linked to the overall goals of the Council. Quality performance benchmarks, indicators and standard linked to the outcomes of functional analysis will be set up for monitoring and tracking performance.


7.2 Corporate Plan Implementation Teams

To facilitate efficient and effective implementation of this Corporate Plan, teams will be established at different levels to oversee the process. The monitoring of the implementation will be undertaken at three levels:

1. Monthly meeting by the National Corporate Plan Implementation Team

2. Quarterly meetings by the middle level management team

3. Half year meeting of all implementing units


7.3 Implementation Guidelines

The senior management will establish and maintain a functional schedule for review, planning and tracking of operations and program outcomes. A learning framework will be put in place to guide evidence harvesting, learning, best practices documentation and case studies. These will be used internally for improving quality of outcomes and externally as part of knowledge development for referral and promotion of learning.


7.4 Critical Success Factors

The success of the 7th Corporate Plan will be incumbent on:

  1. Continued prayer and dedication of the Plan to God
  2. Innovative governance and management of the Council
  3. Use of feedback for corrective action and continuous improvement
  4. Availability of competent human resources
  5. Commitment to quality performance management guided by evidence-based planning and outcomes
  6. Ownership and commitment of the management to embrace and execute the Plan
  7. Innovation in resource mobilisation
  8. Effective risk analysis, management and mitigation
  9. Shared ownership, responsibility and corporate teamwork
  10. Effective Monitoring and Evaluation


7.5 Resource Mobilisation

With a goal of ensuring that adequate resources are available, NCCK will review continually revamp her resource mobilization policy, strategies and plans. A dedicated unit will be created to oversee the continuous engagement in this function. These will enable the Council to reach out to both local and international partners in a coordinated and efficient manner.


7.6 Monitoring and Evaluation Process

A Monitoring and Evaluation framework will be developed to provide performance indicators and results expected. This will take into consideration the annual operational and work plans, which will be part of the management process. In addition, Monitoring and Evaluation frameworks will be developed for each project / programme so as to guide staff on monitoring and results harvesting at all levels.

Before project intervention, the Council will endeavor to carry out situational assessment processes as well as baseline surveys. This will enhance results measurement and understanding of the programme impact in a better way.

Some of the monitoring systems that will be put in place include:

i) Monthly review meetings: There will be monthly review meeting at programme level to review progress on implementation where success and lessons learnt including challenges will be shared.

ii) Quarterly Reviews and Analysis: There will be quarterly review meetings targeting the implementation teams to receive updates and progress reports on the implementation of the planned activities.

iii) Annual Review meetings: Representatives from the implementation teams will hold annual review meetings from which comprehensive progress reports and plans for the following year will be shared.

iv) External Audits and Evaluations: The Council will ensure that timely annual external audits are conducted while at the same time strengthening internal controls.

· A mid-term external evaluation of the activities in this plan will be carried out at the end of the third year of operation. This evaluation activity will endeavour to assess the level of achievement of the outcomes as envisaged by this plan.

· Towards the end of the planned period, a Corporate Plan Evaluation will be carried out, and the outcomes will inform the planning process and activities for next Corporate Plan.

7.7 Results Levels

In the Monitoring and Evaluation framework, there are four levels of results which will be monitored in all projects for feedback to the audiences. These are:


Impact will be assessed for evaluation at the end of Corporate Plan period. This will take cognizance of all implementation process and assumptions as well.


Outcomes will be measured during the mid-term review of the Corporate Plan. At the same time, every year the Council will endeavor to document results


The outputs realization is immediate and will be reported by the respective implementing departments. This will be harvested as implementation is taking place.


Refers to all resources required to facilitate the implementation of all specific strategies and activities therein.


February 2025

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Contact Information


  • Address: 3rd Fr, Jumuia Place, Lenana road, Nairobi
  • Address: P. O. Box 45009 – 00100, Nairobi
  • Tel: 254202721249
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