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CP – Executive Summary


This is the Seventh Corporate Plan of the National Council of Churches of Kenya, outlining the interventions she intends to undertake to address the felt needs in the country during the period 2019 – 2023. It is divided into the following sections / chapters:

Section 1: Background
This section presents background information on the Council in summary. It also presents an overview of the Council’s Corporate Planning processes and past corporate plans.

Section 2: Overview of the Operating Context
Based on PESTEL, this section presents an overview of the context in which the 7th Corporate Plan will be implemented.

Section 3: Institutional Analysis
To present an overview of the Council as an institution, SWOT and Stakeholder analyses are provided in this section

Section 4: Priority Needs
This section presents, graphically, the priority needs identified by the county and regional forums held during the development of the plan. The leading need, for both community and church levels, is Economic Empowerment, which speaks to the high sense of poverty across the country.

Section 5: Strategic Interventions
Based on the priority needs identified in the regions and at the national level, interventions have been developed which the Council will focus on over the next five years. Under programmes, there are 5 thematic focus areas, while the General Secretary’s Office will provide strategic leadership. Seven service departments will provide technical and logistical support to the Council operations.

Section 6: Implementation Matrix
This section presents a matrix that details the Thematic Focus areas, objectives, indicators, impact and budgets of the planned for interventions

Section 7: Implementation of the Plan
This section presents the basic elements that will guide the implementation of the 7th Corporate Plan

Section 8: Organisational Structure
In this section is presented the organizational structures required for effective implementation of this Corporate Plan


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