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CORKE Turkana Stakeholders Forum Resolutions


CORKE Turkana Stakeholders Forum

Turkana County

17th December 2019


Resolutions on Enhancing Climate Change Governance


Turkana County covers 77,000 square kilometers and has a population of 926,976 (2019 Census). Her neighbours are Marsabit County to the East, Samburu to the South East, Baringo to the South, and West Pokot to the South West. Internationally, the County is bordered by Uganda to the West and Ethiopia and South Sudan to the North.

Ecologically, the County is endowed with low lying plains, mountain ranges, a lake and 5 main rivers. The County is largely Arid and Semi-Arid, receiving rainfall of around 80 mm per annum. There are five main rivers, Tarach, Kerio, Kalapata, Malimalite and Turkwel, but whose water levels reduce greatly during the dry seasons. The salinity of Lake Turkana is rising due to reduced inflows and increased evaporation. Across the board, the soils in the county are fertile due to continuous sedimentation, but there is a lack of adequate moisture for crop production.

  1. CORKE-Turkana

This Stakeholders Forum, bringing together Community Members, Church Leaders, County Assembly Representatives and County Government Representatives, appreciated the work done by the project called Community Resilience in Kerio River Ecosystem (CORKE – Turkana). The project, implemented by the National Council of Churches of Kenya in partnership with North Rift Economic Bloc (NOREB) and with funding from Dan Church Aid, is aimed at enhancing intra and inter-county climate change governance in the Kerio River Ecosystem. CORKE-Turkana focuses on facilitating Turkana County to join the Kerio River Ecosystem Inter County Climate Change Cooperation Agreement that was signed by Baringo, Elgeyo Marakwet and West Pokot counties in June 2019.


  1. Enhancing Climate Change Governance and Adaptation

This Stakeholders Forum recognizes with appreciation that the County Government of Turkana has prioritized climate change, environment and natural resources in the five year and annual plans. The County has also put in place specific plans and structures to focus on specific aspects of climate change and environment matters.

Nonetheless, the County Government commits to integrate the recommendations made during the Village and Ward Level forums organized by CORKE-Turkana in November 2019. Key messages from these forums included that community members are willing to participate in destocking programmes and are ready for alternative economic activities so as to abandon charcoal burning. Towards this, there is a great need for capacity building and technical assistance to engage in irrigated agriculture, afforestation, peace and security, and sustainable development. These proposals will be considered in budgeting and activity planning processes of the County.

  1. Affirmation of Recommendation that Turkana County Joins the Kerio River Cooperation Agreement

To promote effective and sustainable Climate Change Governance in Turkana County, this Stakeholders Forum has affirmed the recommendation by previous forums that the County joins the Kerio River Ecosystem Inter County Climate Change Cooperation Agreement.

The Forum recommends that an addendum be presented to the County Governor and the Governors of the other counties in the partnership for signing at the earliest possible moment. The wording of the addendum is proposed to be:

  • Addendum to be Signed by the Governor of Turkana County

In Affirmation herefore, I, the Governor of Turkana County, do hereby, in accordance with the authority conferred on me by law, and as provided for in Sections 3 and 24 of the Kerio River Ecosystem Climate Change Cooperation Agreement, do sign this Addendum to the said Cooperation Agreement in 10 original copies, attested to by our County Secretary and affixed with our County seal, to witness that Turkana County is enjoined as a partner in the Cooperation Agreement and commits to the provisions of all the Articles therein, on this ***** day of December, the year of the Lord 2019.

  1. E. Hon Josphat Koli Nanok, E.G.H.

Governor – Turkana County

  • Addendum to be Signed by Governors of Baringo, Elgeyo Marakwet and West Pokot Counties

In exercise of the authority conferred by law, and as provided for in Sections 3 and 24 of the Kerio River Ecosystem Climate Change Cooperation Agreement which we attested to on the 25th day of June 2019, do hereby sign this Addendum and cause it to be attested to by our Respective County Secretaries and have the seals of our Counties affixed, to witness our Resolution to admit Turkana County as an equal member of the said Cooperation Agreement with full rights and responsibilities, on this **** day of December, the year of the Lord 2019.

H.E. Hon. Stanley Kiptis

Governor – Baringo County


H.E. Hon. Eng. Alex Tanui Tolgos, E.G.H

Governor – Elgeyo / Marakwet County


H.E. Hon. Prof John Lonyangapuo

Governor – West Pokot County

  • Addendum to be signed by the Chairperson of NOREB and General Secretary of NCCK as Witnesses

In Witness wherefore, we sign this Addendum to affirm that Turkana County has been admitted as an equal member of the Kerio River Ecosystem Climate Change Cooperation Agreement on this *** day of December, the year of the Lord 2019.

  1. E. Jackson Arap Mandago, E. G. H.

Governor, Uasin Gishu County

Chairman, North Rift Economic Bloc

Rev Canon Chris Kinyanjui Kamau

General Secretary

National Council of Churches of Kenya


This Stakeholders Forum notes that Turkana County will continue to be at risk if effective climate change governance and mitigation are not adopted. This was manifested by the effects of the recent rains that wreaked havoc across many villages. Besides this, climate change governance continues to be affected by insecurity. We therefore welcome the inclusion of Turkana County in the Kerio River Ecosystem Climate Change Cooperation Agreement as it will provide a platform for promotion of effective climate change, good neighborliness and resolution of life challenges.

Attached is the list of participants who attended the Stakeholders Forum on this 17th day of December 2019 at Stegra Hotel, Lodwar.

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Contact Information


  • Address: 3rd Fr, Jumuia Place, Lenana road, Nairobi
  • Address: P. O. Box 45009 – 00100, Nairobi
  • Tel: 254202721249
  • Fax: 25420728748
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