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CORKE Turkana Kicks Off

NOREB17Sept 3

The inclusion of Turkana County in the Cooperation Agreement spearheaded by the Council and other partners moved a notch higher when an inception meeting was held with the North Rift Economic Bloc secretariat yesterday.

The goal of the project is to facilitate Turkana County to join Baringo, Elgeyo Marakwet and West Pokot counties as a partner in the Kerio River Ecosystem Climate Change Cooperation Agreement. The Agreement was signed in June 2019 at Lake Baringo Resort as the climax of the implementation of a project dubbed Community Resilience in Kerio River Ecosystem (CORKE).

Under the second phase of the project, the Council will partner with NOREB, Danish Church Aid (DCA) and Department for International Development (DfID) to recruit and train Community Organizers in Turkana County on Climate Change. They will also be facilitated to understand the content and provisions of the Cooperation Agreement. The climax of the process will be a public ceremony where HE Josphat Nanok will sign the Cooperation Agreement in the presence of the other CORKE partners.

During the meeting held at the NOREB office in Eldoret, Dr Dominic Biwott, the Chief Executive Officer of NOREB, thanked the NCCK for the continued partnership on climate change interventions in the NOREB counties. He indicated that his office would facilitate the holding of a Governors’ Summit to pass a resolution to approve the application.

In addition, the meeting recognized the need for the NCCK and NOREB to sign a Partnership Agreement to formalize the current and future joint engagements.


NOREB17Sept 3

(The two teams during the meeting held at NOREB office, Eldoret)


NOREB17Sept 4

(NOREB CEO, Dr Biwott, consults with Ms Phyllis of NCCK during the meeting)


NOREB17Sept 1

(A section of the NOREB team keenly listening during the meeting)


NOREB17Sept 2

(The NOREB and NCCK teams when they posed for a group photo after the meeting)

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