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Climate Change, Food Security & Natural Resource ManagementNCCK PROJECTSNewsProject ActivitiesTestimonies

Conservation Agriculture; for a Better Living

Success Story: Caroline Gatuura My name is Caroline Gatuura aged 40 years, married, and blessed with 3 children. I hail from Kamuthetu village, Mwanyni location, Nkondi ward, Tharaka Nithi county. My husband spends weekdays at work. Thus, I am the… Continue Reading…

Climate Change, Food Security & Natural Resource ManagementNCCK PROJECTSNewsProject ActivitiesTestimonies

Conservation Agriculture; and advocacy for Farmers

Success Story: Matthew Mutegi My name is Mathew Mutegi (52), from Irimba village, Nkondi ward and Location, Tharaka Nithi County. I am a lead farmer to Karimi Self Help Group. The land I am settled on and farming is an… Continue Reading…

Climate Change, Food Security & Natural Resource ManagementNCCK PROJECTSNewsProject ActivitiesTestimonies

Conservation Agriculture; for a Sustained Livelihood

Success Story: Margret Kageni My name is Margret Kageni, I live in Kiandia Village, Mukothima location, Mukothima ward, Tharaka Nithi County. I live with my husband. We are blessed with five children. I am a farmer and I incorporate crop… Continue Reading…

Climate Change, Food Security & Natural Resource ManagementNCCK PROJECTSNewsProject ActivitiesTestimonies

Conservation Agriculture; Improving Lives and mitigating Climate Change

Success Story: Hassan Kiragu My name is Hassan Kiragu, I hail from Marundi village, Thiiti sub-location, Thiiti location in Mukothima ward, Tharaka Nithi County. I am 70 years old, married and blessed with seven children all who are grown-ups. My… Continue Reading…

Climate Change, Food Security & Natural Resource ManagementNCCK PROJECTSNewsProject ActivitiesTestimonies


HOME FOR CONSERVATION AGRICULTURE – Elizabeth Mukwamugao My name is Elizabeth Mukwamugao. I live in Ubarini Village, Tunyai sub location, Tunyai location, Chiakariga ward in Tharaka Nithi County. I live with my lovely husband Joseph Nyagal and my four children,… Continue Reading…

BlogClimate Change, Food Security & Natural Resource ManagementNCCK PROJECTSNewsProject ActivitiesTestimonies


IMPROVED LIVELIHOOD THROUGH CONSERVATION AGRICULTURE – John Murithi John Murithi, Beneficiary of the NCCK Conservation Agriculture project My name is John Murithi Muriuki. I am 41 years old and married to one wife, Joyce Kagendo. We reside at Mithigini village,… Continue Reading…

BlogMaisha Thabiti ProjectTestimonies

Dig and Eat!

I have gained leadership skills by being a lead farmer in my group. Before the project, I had never been a leader. Elizabeth Karea Introduction My name is Elizabeth karea living in Ntithini village, Thiiti location in Mukothima ward Tharaka… Continue Reading…

BlogMaisha Thabiti ProjectTestimonies

Agriculture that works for the future!

“From the sale of surplus of my farm produce, I have money to cater for other family needs.” Florence Kangaria Introduction My name is Florence Kangária. I am 48 years old. I stay in Undu village, Thiiti location, Mukothima ward,… Continue Reading…

BlogMaisha Thabiti ProjectTestimonies

Improving farming, Improving life!

“Before I started practicing Conservation Agriculture, I earned at most Kshs.5000 per harvesting season from farming. Because of practicing CA, I now earn up to Kshs. 20,000.00 per harvesting season.“ David Mbiti Introduction My name is David Mbiti from Kanguutu… Continue Reading…


Mayega Enock

HOW NCCK BECAME A STAIRCASE TO MY DESTINY I am Mayega Enock aged seventeen years. I am from Mwamosioma Village, Kitutu Sub-County in Kisii County but presently living in Kehancha. I was born in a family of eight with both… Continue Reading…

February 2025

Jumuia Hospitals

Jumuia Hospitals 2

Our Resorts


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