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Build a Firm Policy Framework for Healthy Lives

Build a Firm Policy Framework for Healthy Lives

Press Statement


Representatives of the NCCK Member Churches in Lower Eastern Region (Kajiado, Kitui, Machakos and Makueni counties) have held a two-day consultative forum to build a strategy to address the growing epidemic of Non-Communicable Diseases in the country. The participants took note that the first thing God gave to people after creation was healthy food for healthy living, for God cares about physical wellbeing of all persons, just as we read in Genesis 9: 3

Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.

Having considered the current state of health in our nation, we now share this message.

  1. Address the Epidemic of Non-Communicable Diseases

Statistics from the government show that Non-Communicable Diseases, which include cancer, hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, are responsible for more than 50% of all hospitalizations and result in 39% of all deaths in Kenya. The Kenya NCDs Strategy points out that 77% of total health expenditure are from domestic sources, which means that the management of NCDs is putting a very heavy burden on families. Indeed recent media reports have displayed the extra burden imposed on patients due to the crisis surrounding the transition from National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) to the Social Health Authority / Social Health Insurance Fund (SHA/SHIF).

It is in this regard that we appeal to all Kenyans to individually take measures to reduce the risk of Non-Communicable Diseases.

  • Eat Healthy Foods

The greatest risk factor for NCDs is consuming diets that are high in salt, saturated fats and oils, high in sugar, and that are high contents of agrochemicals and heavy metals. The main source of these unhealthy diets are highly processed foods and beverages.

We encourage all Kenyans, especially the residents of Lower Eastern Region, to commit to eat only healthy meals. It is very important to eat farm products straight from the farm, without adding excessive sugar, salt or preservatives. Let us all avoid buying and consuming meals and snacks that are high in sugar, salt, saturated fats and oil, or chemical preservatives, which are called nutrients of concern.

  • Introduce Front of Pack Warning Labels

On its part, we call on the government to adopt regulations and laws that will require all food processors to include Front of Pack Warning Labels to let buyers identify products that are high in the nutrients of concern. The warning labels will assist families when making choices on what to buy and what not to eat or drink.

It will be of great essence that the Kenya Bureau of Standards strictly enforces these regulations to safeguard the health of all Kenyans.

  • Regulate Advertisement of Unhealthy Foods

We call for urgent measures by national and county governments to regulate the advertisement of unhealthy foods that are high in sugar, salt and saturated fats and oils that are targeted at children. This is in recognition of the high level of prevalence of NCDs among the children, which was not the case in the past. We also recognize that many parents buy unhealthy foods due to pressure by their children. The regulations should curtail the placement of advertisements for foods high in the nutrients of concern near schools or during the water-shed hours when children are likely to be consuming media.

Further, we call for an immediate cessation of the use of children or children-like characters in advertisement of unhealthy foods. Let us join in protecting the future generation.

We remind all advertisers and producers the stern warning God has given in Matthew 18: 6

If anyone causes one of these little ones – those who believe in me – to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

  • Adopt the Nutrient Profile Model

To facilitate these measures, we call upon the Ministry of Health to work with stakeholders to finalize and adopt the evidence-based Nutrient Profile Model. On our part, we commit to use our structures to sensitize the citizens on the profile model and related regulations once these are put in place.

  • Revert to NHIF until the SHIF is ready

We continue to watch in horror the suffering individual patients and families are going  through as they cannot access treatment in public or private health facilities. We demand that the government suspends the implementation of the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF) and reverts to the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) until the Social Health Authority puts all necessary measures and structures in place. The high appetite for money should not be a reason to sacrifice the lives of Kenyans.

In addition, we call for a radical change in the benefits provided under the SHIF to ensure they match, or at least are better, than the benefits that we enjoyed under the NHIF. It does not make sense to us that Kenyans are now paying more money but are getting less benefits.

  • Make the Most of the School Holidays

In line with the education calendar, all children are now home for the next two months for the long holiday. We encourage fellow parents not to feel overwhelmed, but to instead make adequate plans to fully engage the children in productive activities. This is a prudent opportunity to instil life skills, culture of work and sense of responsibility in the young ones. We must not make social media the surrogate parent of our children, or else we will lose the current and future generations.

  • Conclusion

We conclude by remembering that God has placed a responsibility on every one of us to take care of our bodies, just as we read in 1 Corinthians 6: 19

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own, you were bought with a price. Therefore, honor God with your body.

May God help us to take measures to safeguard healthy living in our families and nation.

Signed on this 31st day of October, 2024, at St Joseph Pastoral Center, Machakos.

Bishop Festus Malua

Machakos CCC Chairperson

B Bishop Japheth Ndivo

Makueni CCC Chairperson

February 2025

Jumuia Hospitals

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