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Bill Trever


My name is Bill Trever, I am seventeen years old and I come from Nyalenda, Kisumu Central Sub – County in Kisumu County.

I come from a single – parent family, consisting of my mother, an elder brother and myself. My mother does manual jobs to make ends meet, my brother cleared high school last year and I am a student at Kisumu Boys High School in form three as from next year.

I got enrolled to the Scholarship Programme this year, 2017. I am still a student in high school.

My situation before the intervention of the project was not very pleasing because I was occasionally or rather frequently out of school due to fee problems. After the school administration being assured of payment since I qualified for the sponsorship, I have been more settled in school and can attend the classes freely. I got to know of the Sponsorship Programme through my pastor who helped me in finding the application form.

My attitude was low before getting the sponsorship because of the frequent absenteeism from school due to fee problems.

This eventually led to a drop in my academic performance since I was missing many lessons and I spent most of my time updating notes instead of studying.

The organization sent a letter to the school assuring the administration of their commitment, that I was a matter of time before they started paying. That was in the beginning of the third term, this year.

Thereafter, I got encouraged and made persona goals to ensure that I improve my performance and encourage the organization in supporting me. I also admire the efforts that the project is giving to support so many people. I personally wish that one day I will be able to work hand in hand with the project and be able to transform many more lives.

In terms of changes in life, there are a number of changes such as spiritual whereby I have been more prayerful so that I can succeed in all my plans. When am at home, I try to finish my chores quickly so that I can get time for studying. I have also made personal timetable so as to ensure that I cover everything that is necessary and also revise appropriately.

My dreams for the future include finishing high school with an A and joining a university so that I can pursue a career in civil engineering.

My biggest challenge is average performance in academics and not reaching my level best. I believe I can do better and I am using various, methods to improve my performance. These include being in study groups, going to the library during holidays and just revising thoroughly whenever possible. I do believe that this will help me achieve my goal.

Finally I would like to thank N.C.C.K for their support and promise to do my best to make the most of this wonderful and generous opportunity they have offered to me.

February 2025

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Contact Information


  • Address: 3rd Fr, Jumuia Place, Lenana road, Nairobi
  • Address: P. O. Box 45009 – 00100, Nairobi
  • Tel: 254202721249
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